Friday, October 22, 2010

Grade 11 Media Arts Utopian Invention Design: Step One

1. Give reasons for why you think Da Vinci invented the inventions
I believe that Da Vinci invented the inventions such as the parachute and his military war crafts because he was thinking into the future. He wanted to be able to create useful things that society would have use for, even if they were not possible or useful to make during his life span.

2. Choose one of Da Vinci’s inventions, and explain why you think it has had the biggest impact on modern society.
I chose the parachute because it is the one invention on the sheet that looks the most like today’s modern parachute. This invention has had a huge impact on society because today we use parachutes for fun, like skydiving. We also use it in the military for sending supplies and for troops when they are jumping from air planes.