Thursday, November 25, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
Media Art Mash Up Video
1. What I like most about my video is how the music blends together and somewhat goes with the parts in the video. Like when there is a suspencful part. I also like the sepia filter and the old film grain filter i added onto the clips. This filters make the video look like it was all filmed together unless you look closely you can notices some clips are darker and lighter than others. I also like how at the begining of the video i sped it up fast then I slowed it down when the detective was looking into the locker.
2. What I like least about my movie is the confussion. Some people may not understand what is going on in my video. I also do not like how each video clip is froma different era. Although I put different filters on them you could still tell that they were not the same by the clothes they were wearing in that time period. I also you have added maybe a few more subtitles so the viewers would know what is going on in the video. I guess i could have also added some sound effects overtop of the music at some parts.
3. Why should this be considered an art movie?
This could be considered an art movie because the ending doesn't really say if they found the girl or not. It is open ended and leaves the viewer to decidewhat they think happened. This can also be considered an art movie because there is no speaking at all, so again it leaves the views to determine what is going on.
Posted by Reaghen at 1:35 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Pans Labyrinth
1. What are 3 things that can make this movie be considered an art movie?
Some things that made me consider it an art movie are movie; that it was not highly publicized, at least not in Canada. The ending in the movie left me kinda puzzled. It was not like others where it had a definate ending it was left with an open ending. I really did not know if she was just dreaming of this whole world that she could have imagined out of her fairytail book or not. This movie had a plot that contained young children and then adults that were batteling in a war. But I would not let a 5 year old see this movie because it was a bit to graphic and rated R in some countries. Also the movie shifts from the magiccal world to the real world that is in the misdst of a war. This reasons help define Pans Labyrinth as an art movie.
2. How is this movie perhaps more creative than most mainstream movies?
This movie was really creative and out there. This movie reminded me of Naria and Bridge to Terrabithia but it took it to the next level. This movie had alot more of adult content and usually a movie is set for either children to teens or teens to adults. The whole mood for this movie was sad and scary I found. Spain was in a war and it was always raining or either gloomy in the movie. The music in this movie adds to the tension in the atmosphere.
3. Did you like or dislike this movie overall? Please fully explain your opinion.
I did like this movie a lot. Usually I would never watch a movie in another language or I would just perceive it to be boring. But it held my intrest throughtout the whole thing and was very intriguing. This movie did have some gore in it which was hard to watch at parts. But overall this movie was very good and it was a nice change to watch this instead of a mainstream Hollywood movie.
Posted by Reaghen at 11:31 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 5, 2010
3D Invention: The Home in a Dome
What I like about my invention is the shape of the dome and how it is transparent. I also like the idea of having like summer weather in the dome but you could be living in the North Pole.
What I do not like about my creation is the house. It is to round and should look more like a square rather than looking like something the teletubbies would live in. I found sculptris to be very difficult. My computer would freeze and I had to start over numerous times. The grass in the picture is to big if you look at it closely and makes the house look like it is small. I would have also changed the colour of the antenna.
Posted by Reaghen at 11:23 AM 0 comments